
Monday, January 30, 2012

What's the Hubbub, Bub?

Sub HubBub, that is. The first issue of Sub HubBub, the monthly newsletter of the Sub Hub blog, is set to go out straight to your email inbox on Wednesday, February 1. And there is a freebie inside just for subscribers! Don't miss out on any issues. Become a subscriber today, if you haven't already. Just click on the link to fill out the form below. Or find the shortened version in the sidebar on the right.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What Matters to You?

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." 
~Mahatma Ghandi

Yesterday I posted that quote on the Sub Hub Facebook page as a hint to today's blog post. So, here's the big reveal... today I am reviewing (and giving away a copy of) Start Something That Matters by Blake Mycoskie, chief shoe giver of TOMS.

When I applied to review the book, my thoughts were these: 1) I love TOMS shoes!, 2) Sub Hub is something that matters, and 3) Maybe I'll get something for a giveaway for my fans. As I wrote the blurb explaining to TOMS why Sub Hub would be a good place to review the book, I didn't honestly think I would be chosen. After all what does a substitute teaching blog really have to do with a wildly successful shoe company doing so much good in the world? Apparently TOMS saw something I didn't because I did get chosen. And after reading the book, I can see why. So much of what I was reading, I could completely relate to what I and so many other teacher bloggers out there are trying to do... yes, we are trying to make a little money to supplement a teacher's (and in my case a substitute teacher's) income, but we also offer advice, free resources, and an open ear to hopefully make the challenging and ultra important job of teaching a little easier for some.

One of the first examples that popped into my head was Laura Candler at Teaching Resources. At the end of last year, she offered funds for teacher's Donors Choose projects. Now if that doesn't follow the TOMS philosophy, I don't know what does.

For those of you who don't know TOMS, they are designed based on an Argentinian shoe, and the company pioneered the One for One business idea... for every pair of TOMS shoes bought, a pair is donated to a child in need. And besides that amazingly charitable idea, the shoes are comfortable (they are one of two brands that I can wear all day teaching and not have my legs and back ache at the end of the day). Plus, they come in so many fun, colorful designs besides basic shoe colors.

I thought Start Something That Matters was simply going to be another autobiographical account of business success, which I still wanted to read since (as I said before) I love TOMS shoes. Boy was I wrong! Yes, the first chapter does tell the TOMS story, and it is quite fascinating since Mycoskie had zero experience in designing, making, or selling shoes before he started the company. But the book is so much more than that. The rest of the book tells other inspirational business stories and urges you to make a difference in the world, do what you love and give back... and he gives lots of tips to do just that, while at the same time maybe even making a little (or a lot) of money. Yes, maybe it is a little Pollyanna, but Mycoskie does seem very upfront that most businesses won't make it. And he does offer very doable, practical advice to achieve the do-gooder goals.

One of my favorite points he makes is the power of storytelling. Mycoskie writes, "As consumers, customers will want your product for the typical reasons... but as supporters they also believe in what you're doing; they've bought into your story because it taps into something real, and they want to be a part of it." I liken supporters to blog followers... you follow a blog because you believe in the ideas, or the stories the blogger tells. I also related his "power of storytelling" message to teaching itself. People learn better and retain the information longer when the teaching is woven into a storyline.

With other chapter titles of "Face Your Fears," "Be Resourceful Without Resources," "Keep It Simple," "Build Trust," and "Giving Is Good Business," Mycoskie is obviously not just tooting his own horn by relaying his success story. Besides all that, Mycoskie is also applying the One for One concept to the book as well... with every book purchased, Random House will donate a book to a child in need through First Book. What teacher can't get on board with that? He is trying to start something else that matters... encouraging others to start organizations that impact the world. And with more than 7 billion humans on this Earth now, we can use all of that we can get.

Mycoskie starts and ends the book with a poem titled "Success" that is often attributed to Elisabeth-Anne Anderson Stanley. The final stanza goes like this, "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." I feel like all of us involved in some way in educating children do just that, but why not try to do even more? And if you are interested in jumping into the blog world to start something that matters, I highly recommend Charity Preston's Teaching Blog Traffic School. Many of her tips were echoed in the book, and it has certainly helped me get started in my endeavor to make a difference in the world of substitute teaching.

I have one copy of Start Something That Matters to give away to one lucky follower. All you need to do is subscribe to Sub Hub through RSS or email. The email is simple. Just find this picture on the right and enter your email address (watch for typos!):

But if you are like me and get too many emails already, then you can also subscribe through the RSS feed. Here is how you do that. On the right sidebar, look for:
When you click on "posts," you will see:

Then just click your choice. I use the Google option, because it puts the blog posts right into your Google Reader, making it super easy for me to keep up with all my favorite blogs. Once you have done that, simply fill out the form below to be entered for a chance to win your copy of Start Something That Matters.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Valentine's Day Math and Science Freebie

I find that many Valentine's Day activities are focused on reading and writing... my first one was. And it's no wonder with the tradition of exchanging cards for the holiday. But Valentine's Day can also be a time to showcase some math and science skills. This Valentine's Day Math and Science freebie I have made does just that. It has four ideas for each subject and reproducibles to go with a couple of activities. I hope you enjoy it!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby Math... with Some Writing

Since I have gotten so many long-term sub jobs covering for teachers on maternity leave, many students have dubbed me the "baby teacher." It is a nickname I wear proudly. If teachers trust me enough to want me in their classroom when they can't be there for weeks, I can think of no better compliment.

This is a two-part activity I have done at the start of most of those maternity sub jobs. It worked so well the first time, that I have continued to do it with each one. I will caution you to use your discretion because one of my last jobs was for a teacher who had a sweet little preemie. Luckily everything worked out with her and the baby, but I skipped the first part (the measurement part) of this activity because I felt it was in poor taste. And I also did not do this activity when I took over for another long-term sub who could not complete the job since the baby was already a week old.

You need to wait for the announcement about the birth of the baby and the inevitable height and weight declaration. When I get this information, I cut curling ribbon that exact length, and fill a plastic container with water so it weighs roughly the same as the baby. A gallon-sized container filled with water will weigh roughly 10 pounds, so you can adjust from there. Then when I announce that the baby was born and give all the details, I can pass around the ribbon and plastic container so the students have an actual visual of how big the baby is. I also like to discuss that just like the ribbon, babies are all curled up and the nurses have to stretch the baby out to get the length. You can discuss comparisons such as, "What else do you know that is about this size?" Or, "What surprised you about this?" For the little ones, I usually put the water and ribbon in a science center so they can explore further.

After we have our measurement discussion, I always let them make cards. Those work as both a language arts and an etiquette lesson. My favorite thing to ask is "what advice would you give the baby." Those responses are always so cute and insightful. The cards can all be sent with a teacher or someone else who is close to the mom. I have had teacher after teacher tell me how appreciated those cards were.

The whole activity usually doesn't take too long since I only give them 20 minutes or so to initially work on the cards and then they can finish them as they finish other work. Plus it helps the class stay connected to their teacher.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love Is in the Air Valentine Freebie

I know. I know. It's a little early, but I am a planner. Ask anyone who knows me. So, I wrote up one of my favorite Valentine's Day activities and created some free printable cards for your students to use. This activity is based on this book, and the photo is an Amazon link if you don't have the book:

I start off by reading the book, which students love (Hello... it has stinky feet in the title!) and also has a great message of kindness and friendship. Also throughout the book are poems based on the "roses are red; violets are blue" pattern. We discuss all this, and then I challenge the students to write their own poems. They can write rough drafts, edit them, and print the final versions on the free reproducible cards I made. Be sure to print those front and back so students just have to cut on the gray lines to make four cards out of one sheet of paper. I also recommend copying them on card stock so they end up a little sturdier. I have the whole activity for Write Your Own Valentine Poems available here.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Down with Downtime! K-5 Math Now Released

You finished the lesson plans, but there’s still 10-15 minutes left before the next activity. Now what? Downtime is the enemy of teachers everywhere. However, my new line of Down with Downtime Last Minute Lesson Savers has you covered. 

Down with Downtime is a new line of activities broken down by topic based on the Common Core State Standards, but not grade level. Most of the activities can be modified to fit any grade level K-5, so use your judgement for what is appropriate for your students. And many of them focus on Higher Order Thinking Skills.

In no way is Down with Downtime intended to be an exhaustive list of activities. My hope is that you can find something useful when you need it. And that the activities can inspire you to create some of your own. This is why I have left blanks at the end of each section.

Down with Downtime: K-5 Math is the first Down with Downtime file I created. I plan on releasing ones for Reading, Language Arts, and Science/Social Studies as well. You can also access a free sample of Down with Downtime: K-5 Math here.

Used in conjunction with lesson plans, whether they are my free Emergency Lesson Plans, Just Add Paper plans, or the classroom teacher’s curriculum plans, these activities will prepare you to handle any classroom downtime and turn you into Super Sub.

Monday, January 16, 2012

In Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

For me one of the big highlights of my family's vacation last summer to Washington, D.C. was standing in the spot outside the Lincoln Memorial where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. Even though the pool was drained because of construction, I stood on that spot and tried to imagine what King must have seen. In my opinion, that speech is one of the best ever given by anyone in history.

Teachers all over the U.S. celebrate King's birthday in various ways. I have been a long-term sub in two different classrooms (second and third grade) and both times I did a similar activity. My absolute favorite book depicting King is Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport. To me it is a perfect introduction to a very delicate subject for elementary-aged students.

But rather than me reading it, I prefer to play this YouTube video narrated by Michael Clarke Duncan, who you might remember from "The Green Mile." The video also uses spiritual songs to accompany words from King's famous speeches, including "I Have a Dream." Every time I watch this video, it stirs me inside, and I feel the tears well up. And I have watched the same thing happen in students.

After watching it, I open up for discussion what was seen in the video, and then I give them an open writing prompt... usually about their own dreams for the world. I always find it interested how many students have trouble understanding discrimination with "separate but equal" facilities. And then I think, how wonderful is that... that we've come far enough that many children today cannot even fathom their friend having to drink at a different water fountain. It warms my heart. You can be artistic about the assignment too and use one of the very creative projects I found and pinned on my MLK Teaching Ideas Pinterest board.

Have we achieved King's dream? I would say we have made huge strides, but we also have a ways to go yet.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Need Tips on Getting Sub Jobs?

Somehow I have managed to not be able to land a full-time teaching job, but I seem to be pretty good at landing sub gigs. I thought I'd share a few of my strategies with the hopes that it might help some of you struggling out there. And if you are a successful sub, feel free to share additional strategies you use in the comments section. I have found that two major things count — who you know (and who knows you) and the kind of job you do.
  • Make some contacts. I was fortunate that I made some contacts during my student teaching days. And when I went into subbing, I made sure to put that school on my list, even though it is far from my house. The teachers knew who I was and that I knew what I was doing and would call me to request subbing. And one funny thing about teaching is that teachers all know teachers at other schools, so they could tell their friends that I was dependable and I got requests from others.
  • Utilize social media. I don't often sub at that student teaching school much anymore, but I still keep up those contacts by having many of the teachers as my Facebook friends. And at each new school I manage to get a foot in, I add those teachers to my friend list as well. As they get to "know" me better through Facebook, they feel more comfortable requesting me. Of course, you do need to watch what you are putting out there. That strategy could easily backfire on you if you are posting school-inapropriate things.
  • When you do get a sub job, make a good impression. Actions always speak louder than words, so arrive early and introduce yourself to the principal, office assistants, and teachers. Treat the students with kindness (even those challenging ones) because they are the ones who will report back to the teacher if they liked you or not. If the students say that you yelled all day and were mean, it is less likely for that teacher to call you back. Follow any lesson plans to the best of your abilities and as the schedule allows. Leave a detailed note about any changes you made or things you didn't get to. I also try to note whether or not most students finished an assignment and how the lesson seemed to go. Make sure you list any students who were particularly helpful, and note any challenges and how you solved them. I try never to dump a problem in a teacher's lap without first having tried to solve it myself. Make sure those challenges you write up really are something the teacher needs to know about as well. I usually only write up major issues since writing up every little thing will make you seem incompetent. Also leave contact information if the teacher has any questions for you. You can download my free Daily Summary Form for help with the note.
  • Try to go the extra mile. If you have a spare moment, grade some papers from the day. During your planning period, you could head to the office to see if any assistance is needed anywhere else in the school. Offer to take another teacher's duties if possible. All that will build up lots of good will.
  • Market yourself. I have mentioned this before, but I have business cards that I leave in teachers' boxes at least once a year. I do check with the principal before I do this, but I have never been turned down. Something else to try would be to put a magnet on the back of that business card. I have been in many classrooms where I saw my card on the side of a filing cabinet near the phone (that is exactly what you are going for), and it would be easier for the teacher if there was a magnet already attached. Vistaprint is a great site to get your business cards made for free, or you can create your own by purchasing business card templates from any office supply store.
  • Be creative. If you are having trouble getting jobs, try some more creative marketing tactics. Here is an interesting one from from STEDI, the substitute teaching division of Utah State University, where you can create your own online profile for free. Full-time teachers can search for you when they are looking for quality subs.
Remember, what you are going for is when teachers need a sub, they think of you. I rarely (and actually despise) relying on the automated sub system for jobs. I have worked hard to develop a reputation as the sub teachers want in their classrooms when they cannot be there. If you can do that, you will have all the work you can handle.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Compare and Contrast Books About Loveys... with a Freebie

Monday I subbed in a fourth grade class. The teacher had told me ahead of time that she was so sick she would not have time to put together lesson plans. I was familiar with the other teachers on the team and the class, however, and knew the teachers would provide me with everything I needed and the students would hang right there with me while we figured it out. Just in case, I brought a Compare and Contrast activity using three picture books.

For Christmas, I asked for any books by Patricia Polacco as she is one of my favorite authors. Yes, I am a grown-up, but when you teach elementary students, you ask for picture books. What I got was a title I was unfamiliar with, but now love... Bun Bun Button. When I read it, I was immediately reminded of Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems and Corduroy by Don Freeman since they all tell stories of special loveys treasured by children. I already had the other books, so I brought all three.

Sure enough, we had time (and the students begged me) to read all three books. And amazingly, the reading skill they were focusing on for the week was compare and contrast! Perfect! When we finished all three, I had the students draw and complete a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the three books. The students went to town. They are great books to do that with! Each pair of books has unique things in common, all three have things in common, and each book has differences as well... plenty to fill in each spot in the diagram. I just had these students draw their Venn diagrams on a sheet of notebook paper, but I have created a freebie for you. Compare and Contrast Loveys has four Venn diagrams, three with the various combinations of two of the three books to use with younger students, and one with all three for the older ones.

These would be great sheets to laminate to reuse with multiple classes, or as an alternative to lamination, you can simply put them in a sheet protector and it serves as make-shift lamination.

As an extension for earlier finishers, I had them write on the back of their diagram a connection they were able to make with the book. Many wrote about their own loveys, but one student even related the stories to Linus from the Peanuts comic series. We did this activity in the morning, and they were still talking about it at dismissal. I would say it was a success!

And if you need a source for the books, I have provided the Amazon links in a slideshow below.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Manage a Classroom with Little Stress and No Power Struggles

As a sub, one of the hardest parts of the job is classroom management. No matter who the student is, each one acts at least a little differently when a sub is in the room. The district I work for encourages the Love and Logic® approach, a system that is all about using empathy and empowering students to take responsibility and solve their own problems. I use the principles as a parent with my own children and as a long-term sub, and they work beautifully. However, since much of the Love and Logic system is based on building relationships with the students and that only truly happens over time, I was unsure about how to apply some of the ideas as a one-day sub. So I went straight to the source — Jim Fay, the co-founder and creator of the Love and Logic philosophy.

What Fay wants you to remember as a one-day sub is: “You are there to hold down the fort. You are not in there to be just like the teacher. That screams ‘phony’ in the eyes of the kids.”
The first thing he says that is of the utmost importance is making friends with a few of the teachers around you. You can also talk to the principal at the beginning of the day to make sure it is OK if you send a student down just to cool off.
When it comes to interacting with the students, your first job is meeting the students at the door with a smile. Fay said one of the best subs he ever saw would start that way and then immediately disarm the students by joking things like, “I’m glad to be here and not fighting with my husband at home;” or “I don’t know any of the rules in here, so if you wanted to break them, today would be a good day.”
Next, you need to make sure you have some rules that are worded as if they are only for you. Some good ones Fay suggests are: 1) I listen to one person at a time; 2) I listen to students who raise their hands; and 3) I teach when there are no disruptions.
That way when a student calls out to you, you can respond by looking away and asking aloud, “When do I listen?” Or if there is a disruption, saying, “This is not working. When will I be glad to teach?” What these statements do is take the power away from the students in a nonconfrontational way.
Fay also suggests having some activities in your back pocket. “Great subs bring in things of their own,” he said. He suggests always having at least one book with you and having plenty of generic learning games to use if things start to go awry. It’s not going to do you, the students, or the teacher any good if you just try to plow through the lesson plans if no one is listening or participating. Try taking a break with a game or a book, and then go back to the lesson. Do make sure you write those things up in the report at the end of the day… not in a negative way, but things like: “In addition to the plans, today we learned about…”
Besides these basics, there are a few Love and Logic principles that can be used directly by subs. The first is the idea of Short-term Recovery, or sending a disruptive student to an alternative location. This is where making friends with the teachers around you comes in handy. If there is not a quiet, private spot in the classroom where a student can cool off, then send him to another classroom for a brief period of time. It is important that this strategy not be used with anger or as a punishment for the student. It is simply a change of scenery. And I personally have seen it work wonders.
Another principle that can be used by subs is Neutralizing Arguing. Anyone who has tried to argue and reason with an angry student knows how useless it is, so use the techniques of staying calm,  “going brain dead,” using (and continuing to use) a one-liner like “I respect you too much to argue” or “I know it feels that way,” and if the arguing continues, responding with “I argue at 12:00 or 3:00 each day. Which would be best for you?”
Giving students choices is another successful classroom management strategy. The important things to keep in mind with choices are to give them often, only give two at a time, only give a short time for the student to make the choice (or you make it for them), and only give choices that you are OK with. Giving choices takes away the power struggle and allows the student to feel in control.
Finally, the Love and Logic system says that all students should always be guided to solve their own problems. This involves the steps of offering empathy, asking the student what they are going to do, offering examples of what other students have done to solve similar problems, and giving them permission to try their solution whether it works or not.
“Always remember,” said Fay, “that the number one job of the kids is to try to get you upset.” Don’t let them win. Keep your cool and try these strategies to have a smooth day every day.
Make sure you visit the Love and Logic website and sign up for their free Insider’s Club at the top of the page. You will get emails with articles addressing specific situations. I have found them incredibly helpful as a parent, teacher, and sub. Also at the site is their online store where they have a wealth of resources, including a new CD called “The Love and Logic Classroom… More Cooperative, Higher Achieving Students.” Another CD that is my favorite is “Quick and Easy Classroom Interventions.”

Friday, January 6, 2012

Mystery Walker Hallway Game

There is more classroom management information coming, but a couple of you mentioned on the Facebook wall about having trouble with students being quiet in the hall. I wanted to share one solution I sometimes use, especially for really loud classes. It's called the Mystery Walker. Here's how it works:

• Before leaving the classroom, I state the expectations (standing in line quietly and with hands to yourself) and how to play the game (that follows).
• Secretly choose one (or possibly more) students to be the Mystery Walker(s). I use popsicle sticks if the class uses them, otherwise I just have a couple of students in mind. The key here is "secret." You don't say who the students are, hence the mystery part.
• Line the students up, start walking, and watch behavior. Make sure you look like you are watching everyone, but you are especially watching the mystery walker(s).
• When you reach your destination (or get back to the classroom), you announce who the Mystery Walker was and if they met the expectations or not. If they did, I let them choose from my treasure box (or they can earn some other reward of your choice). If they did not meet expectations, I say, "The Mystery Walker didn't follow the rules. They need to try harder next time." Be careful to make sure the Mystery Walker earned the prize before rewarding it, or you will lose your credibility with the students.
• Another thing I do is to occasionally remind students as they are walking that I am looking to make sure the Mystery Walker is meeting expectations. That usually straightens everyone up.

I hope this gives you another strategy to use.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Am Now a TBA Author!

I am so super excited to be able to tell all my fans that I was just accepted as a Teaching Blog Addict author and will also be the administrator of their Facebook page! Here is my introductory post on TBA. Make sure you are following them!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Laminate It! Worksheets, Graphic Organizers, and DIY White Boards... Oh My!

So... I bought a laminator. I don't even have a classroom, and I bought a laminator. Obsessed much? Why, yes I am. Thanks for asking. I got the Scotch Thermal Laminator TL901 I found through Amazon. Since it arrived, my brain has been swirling with idea after idea of how to use it. And how can I use it as a sub without having my own classroom?

My first thought was to laminate activities you bring into the room yourself such as extras or emergency plans. If you bring in your own activities, it is almost certain that the teacher won't be taking them for a grade. If you don't want to make a million copies for each and every classroom you enter, you could make one class set and laminate it. Take it into a classroom and have the students do the activity. You can look at it (or even photograph it if you want a record), and then erase to use again with the next class. I think it would work perfectly for story planning sheets (once the rough draft is written, you don't need the plan anymore) and other graphic organizers that work for multiple grade levels.

Another thought is for fun, time filling, educational activities. One of my favorites is Mad Libs. I enlarged a bunch of Mad Libs on the copier and then laminated them for a student teaching assignment I had several years ago. I store them in a large plastic envelope so they are easy to grab. I have used those things in nearly every classroom I have been in. The students LOVE them, and, little do they know, they are getting grammar and parts of speech practice. Sneaky! Sneaky!

My other idea was to simply laminate plain paper to create your own portable white boards. You could use any color paper you'd like, although I would a light-colored paper so the marker will show up. And you could laminate as many as you wanted... a whole class set, enough for students to work in partners, or enough for students to work in groups of three or four. They are lightweight, easy to store and carry, and provide you with another teaching option even if there are no individual white boards in the room.

Now for all these ideas, you will also need to purchase a set of markers, and that will be a slight investment. Again Amazon has you covered with a set of 12 Expo Low Odor Fine Tip markers, but you can find these at any office supply store and even Wal-Mart and Target. I do recommend using dry erase markers rather than the Vis-a-Vis overhead pens. The dry-erase ones will wipe off easily with just a tissue. The Vis-A-Vis ones also wipe off easily, but require a little liquid to get them to come off, and that just does not sound like a good idea in the hands of students.

If your DIY white boards or other laminated sheets get to where they don't wipe off easily, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is just that... magic... and will make them like-new.

And if you are not quite as obsessed as me and don't want to buy your own, your can take your things to an office supply store or teacher supply store for them to laminate for you.

Yea, so you can just call me The Laminator... I'll Be Back (said in my best Arnold voice). 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I Haven't Seen You Since Last Year!

Ha! It was my amazing third grade teacher Mrs. Lehman, a fiery and energetic red-head, who first said this to me, and I thought it was HILARIOUS! She would also tell us, "I haven't seen you since last month." Although this was way more years ago than I would like to admit, I still use it with my students today... and they still think it is hilarious, just like I did. So far, for every student, I have been the first person they have heard it from. I have to say, it brings me great joy to pass on the tradition of Mrs. Lehman.

As 2012 comes roaring into existence, I am thinking about resolutions. I always have a hard time with resolutions because I am not someone who likes to drop the ball... and with resolutions, many times, that is inevitable. Last year I resolved to run/walk the San Antonio Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon with my daughter. That did not happen, because when I started trying to train, I remembered how much I hate to run (and how much pain it causes me). So much for that resolution.

I made a lot of gains in my personal life in 2011 by changing my negative outlook (from not being able to find a job) to a positive one (mostly by starting this blog). So, for 2012, I think most of my resolutions should focus on Sub Hub. I try not to focus on the numbers, but really numbers are one of the only ways we have of measuring. Still, I am not setting any hard and fast number goals. I find that when I do what I love and provide things that you all like and need, the numbers just follow along.

For now, my resolutions are this:
1) Blog timely and relevant ideas that you can instantly take into a classroom and use.
2) Add to my lines of Emergency Sub Plans
3) Create at least two new lines of paid products
4) Create lots of easy-to-use freebies
5) Continue to make new friends with teachers all over the world

So, Happy New World Sub Hub world! May 2012 bring you everything you hope for!