
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Just Add Paper... New Line of Sub Plans

I am quite excited (mixed with a little bit of terrified) to launch into this my new phase of Sub Hub. What I have created is a new line of emergency sub plans... plans for true emergencies, when you don't have time to do any preparation at all. My new line of plans is called Just Add Paper, because that's pretty much all you need besides the downloaded plans.

Right now, Just Add Paper Kindergarten is ready for sale at Teachers Pay Teachers. And you can download a FREE sample of it as well. Plans for grades 1-5 will follow in the next week.

Much like my previous line of emergency lesson plans, they are designed to be one-day plans for use by a teacher or a sub. There are reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies lessons included.

Unlike the other lesson plans, the only additional materials you will need are basic school supplies (pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, and glue), a few picture books of your choice, and a variety of PAPER!

One other difference is that I am venturing into the world of paid products, but I will always provide my fans and followers with a free sample of the item. So, download the free sample, and if you like it, trek on over to my new store at Teachers Pay Teachers and purchase the full day's worth of lessons.

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