
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Twist on the Quiet Game... Add Math Facts

Many teachers play The Quiet Game when they are in the hall and have to wait for some reason. As a sub, it happens to me fairly frequently because I am not familiar with the class schedule or how the clocks in the school run (in some schools every clock says a different time, and as a teacher you get used to knowing which ones to follow). Anyway, I got bored with the regular Quiet Game where everyone sits quietly and you choose a girl and a boy to start it off. They walk up and down the line and tap someone who is quiet. Then they switch places and the new student gets to choose... and so on. One day I had gotten to counselor with a third grade class a full 10 minutes early because I misread the schedule and did not want to waste that time. So we played The Multiplication Fact Quiet Game. It is played exactly like the regular Quiet Game, only instead of the student just tapping another, they give a quiet student a multiplication fact. If that students gets it right, then they switch. You could apply this using any operation depending on the level of the students. Voila! Quiet students in the hall who are practicing math facts! Win-win!


  1. Wonderful twist. Thanks. (And I KNOW what you mean about the clocks!)

  2. Great idea and it keeps them learning at the same time! Lower grades could do addition/subtraction facts!

  3. LOVE this idea! Definitely going to be using this one! :)


    Oh My Little Classity Class

  4. Now that's pretty creative. Good work. So are the kids giving the multiplication facts to the other kids or are they showing the facts on cards? I can't visualize how they're doing it.

  5. Jason, they just say "8x4" or whatever fact they choose, and the other one give the answer.

  6. Love it!!! Thank so much for the great idea :)

  7. rachel- I am not familiar with the quiet game- I feel a bit silly to ask but I think this would work with my VERY LARGE class of grade six students. Could you explain the game to me?

  8. Here's how I play the quiet game. First, I choose 2 students (usually 1 boy and 1 girl), and I choose by who is sitting quietest. Everyone else sits quietly. The 2 students you chose get up and walk around looking for another girl and boy who are being quiet (can you tell there is a theme). They gently tap the person they choose on the head and switch places (so the first boy and girl sit down, and the next chosen ones get up). Those chosen students then get up and walk around looking for more quiet students, etc. I do it a lot when classes are in the hall for whole-class restroom breaks. I hope this explanation makes sense.
