
Friday, February 3, 2012

A Cabinet T-chart? Why Didn't I Think of That?

One of my favorite things about being a sub is seeing all the great ideas in different teachers' classrooms. The other day I was in a classroom and noticed something I had never seen before. Maybe some of you are as clever as this teacher, and this is old news for you. For that, I am sorry. But I figure if I was amazed at it, maybe some other readers will be amazed too. At this particular school, there are not closets in the classrooms so they have tall two-door cabinets similar to this one:
What this teacher did that is so brilliant in my opinion is use those cabinet doors as a giant class T-chart! I know! The class has just started polygons, so when I was there, the headings that she had just typed, printed out, and taped on the cabinet were "polygons" and "non polygons." Then she had printed and cut out pictures, and as a class, they sorted the images into the appropriate category. It was so cool! And the possibilities of topics are endless and could be changed out as you move from unit to unit. Sometimes I am in awe of the resourcefulness and creativity of teachers. So, are you as amazed as I was?


  1. I absolutely love this idea! And I have one of those big cabinets right behind my desk. What a great place for a sorting center.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Neat idea. For older students, you could have them write their responses on post-its. This would work for class polls too or Would You Rather Questions if kids put their names on post-its.

    Minds in Bloom

    1. Those are great ideas too, Rachel! So many possibilities here!

  3. We use a cabinet as a T-chart for our morning "sign in". Each student had a colored craft stick with their name on it (and a magnet on the back). One side of the chart says "present" and the other side says "absent". When the kindergarten students arrive in the morning they move their name to the "present" side of the cabinet.

  4. I have this in my room for student check-in first thing in the am. I used brightsticks to write on it- here and not here. It works great! And is a really quick way for me to do attendance. Sometimes We use it for other things. The most recent was if they thought the groundhog would see his shadow. Yes or no. :)

  5. that should read "DIY" store. :)

  6. Suggest to her that she can buy magnetic paper that goes through the printer. Then she can set her centers up magnetized for the kids. That is what I do...saves taping and the magnets work really well.

    1. What a wonderful idea if your cabinet is metal! I think this teacher's was particle board with laminate covering, but I love your idea!

  7. Thanks so much for posting this!! Mine is so ugly and bent that I have it stuck in the back corner of my classroom. Time to resurrect it!
